Life Update

It's been so long I haven't blog in here, I've been so busy with work and my personal life that I haven' had time to even do what I enjoy.  I started a new job and been training and settling in.  School has started for a lot of people.  I posted this picture up to remind myself that I shouldn't lose hope on what I used to love doing...the camera is a reminder that I need to feel comfortable with myself and to have confidence.   I've been telling myself...ok, I want to start my Youtube channel and share with others what I love, of course, I find myself finding excuses for not having "time."

Over the weekend I traveled with my youngest daughter, sister, and niece to Oshkosh Wisconsin to help my niece with her makeup for her dance performance with her team.  I came to realized why did I quit doing what I loved?  I enjoy creating, so now I'm telling myself ok...I need to get back to what I used to love doing and stop finding excuses.

I completely changed my IG layout and deleted all the pictures of my personal life and started over, posting up beauty related things that I used to enjoy.

For the past month, I've been writing down my ideas for videos.  I want to create contents by sharing what I love since I started my new job I've been thinking so much I haven't been happy with what I'm doing, I'm still trying to figure out myself and finding myself.   There are times I find myself confused on what I really want to do with my life, sometimes it leads me to depression...there's so much that I keep inside that I can't really share on how I feel or going through.  I told myself, "ok, its time to stop being afraid and step out of the box and explore instead of trying to figure out who is or what you want to do with your life."   I've been enjoying watching people on YouTube express their feelings on how they feel and just letting others know that you aren't alone on this.

My goal is to step out and stop being afraid and have more confidence,  I want to push myself harder to enjoy life and the things I love doing instead of telling myself where am I going with my life?

These are just a few things I've been thinking about and wanting to do with my life, I want to create and share what I love doing.

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