Labor Day Weekend

Over the Labor Day weekend, I had the chance to go to Oshkosh Wisconsin with my youngest daughter, my sister, and my niece!  I had to do her makeup for her performance with her dance team, it was worth taking work off and driving down for four hours.  This is the second year my niece has joined dance.  I haven't done makeup on anyone for so long, it was an honor to do my niece's makeup this year!

Memorial weekend was a busy week for me, I wasn't able to rest but was happy to see my niece perform at the Hmong Labor Day celebration this year.  It made me realized how much I enjoyed doing makeup on others, life has been hectic for me over the years I decided to set aside my hobby for a while.

After coming back home it motivated me to start my Youtube channel documenting events and trips for memories and sharing my life with others!  I know its time consuming but at the end of the day its worth sharing a journey with others and looking back and say "Wow I came a long way and I'm growing each day and learning something about myself."  I hope I don't give up on something that makes me happy, I want to grow and learn more about myself what works for me and what doesn't.

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